Miley Cyrus to sue the company behind 'Finally Mylie' sex doll

Admitting that she is disgusted over an inflatable sex doll that resembles her, teen singer Miley Cyrus has been reported considering suing the company responsible for the manufacture of the effigy has gone on sale in the market

Admitting that she is disgusted over an inflatable sex doll that resembles her, teen singer Miley Cyrus has been reported considering suing the company responsible for the manufacture of the effigy has gone on sale in the market.

According to The Sun- UK, Cyrus was upset when she saw the love doll named 'Finally Mylie' and the company asserted that the inflated sex dolls were sold like pancakes when they hit the market. The said effigy is manufactured by Kevin Johnson of Pipedream Products.

"We are completely sold out already — it's been on the market for less than 48 hours,” Kevin Johnson of Pipedream Products said, according to The Sun-UK.

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