NYPD Arrests 700 #OccupyWallStreet Protesters On The Brooklyn Bridge

Protesters started marching up the pedestrian walk way over the bridge while others tried to take the traffic lane. For a few minutes officers held the line and then they turned around and led the way up the traffic lane on the Brooklyn Bridge. From what I saw no police told any of the protesters to leave until they created a barricade in front of the march about halfway through the bridge. They then pulled vans and buses up to the back of the group and started arresting everyone.

In total over 700 people were arrested.

Response by the people

@Fringe111 Um... huh? What part of my comment suggests that I'm a member of the Tea Party? How judgmental of you.

The Tea Party holding signs like your example are discrediting themselves too. Unless both of the groups get the loony extremists out of the limelight then they'll both look stupid and not credible.
nothing980454 11 minutes ago

@ScizRgaming $4.6 million still buys influence. NYPD could cut their budget by $4.6 mil/ yr by eliminating the jobs of the officers that entrapped the peaceful protesters. NYPD caused unneeded disruption to traffic & the legal system by arresting them on the bridge. Shouldn't have been arrested at all. They could've easily redirected them from the bridge to a less obstructive area to march rather than tying up the bridge for hours. It makes the protesters and supporters more determined. peace

$4.6 Million is nothing more than JPMorgan Chase trying to get a good name for themselves.

Don't use that argument. It's fucking retarded. It's .1% of their entire budget. Don't act like that has any affect.

I swear, you guys just throw away logical thinking when arguing such idiotic points.
ScizRgaming 1 hour ago

So in summary, End the FED which is the root of our problems and inequality, and vote Ron Paul.


Are you fucking kidding me? Land of the free? WE ARE BEING OPPRESSED PEOPLE. They don't want us to know that they are fucking us over constantly. This isn't America anymore, and I'm NOT proud to live here.


The NYPD should hang their heads in shame!!! Land of the FREE??? The best kind of slave is the one who thinks he is free - Malcolm X


@lighthouse500 Yes. Yes I am blind. Thanks for holding me back from overcoming my visual challenges :( t

The police blocked the bridge once they were on it, they never had to go on it. if they stayed on the sidewalk, fine, but they went right into the street to obstruct traffic.

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